
Workplace Professionalism

Modern Workplace Professionalism: Essentials for Smooth Operations and Inclusive Success

Struggling With Underperformance Due to Gaps in Professionalism and Communication Skills?

Deborah Jenkins

1 Hr. | 12 NOON PT | USD 229

17 October 24 | Thu

Assertiveness Leads to Success Every Time

The Assertiveness Advantage: Achieve Success Without Making Enemies

Learn How to Stand Your Ground, Not Over It!

Karla Brandau

1 Hr. | 10 AM PT - 11 AM PT | USD 259

21 August 24 | Wed

Balance of Discipline and Empowerment

FROM DISCIPLINE TO TRUST: How to Treat Employees Like Adults and Reap the Rewards

Ditch the Discipline, Embrace Empowerment for Peak Performance!

Bob Oberstein

90 Mins. | 10 AM PT - 11:30 AM PT | USD 229

2 October 24 | Wed

What If Your Data Could Speak Louder

Excel Data Storytelling: Transform Numbers into Narratives

Is Your Data Being Overlooked? Transform It with Excel!

Terry Winship

90 Mins. | 10 AM PT - 11:30 AM PT | USD 229

16 October 24 | Wed

legal Ethical Terminations

Termination without Regret: Legal and Ethical Strategies for Safe Dismissals

Master The Right Way to Fire with Integrity and Stay Above the Law!

Brenda Neckvatal

1 Hr. | 10 AM PT - 11 AM PT | USD 229

8 October 24 | Tue

How to Lead and Manage a Narcissistic Employee

TAMING THE EGO BEAST AT WORK: Strategies for Managing Narcissistic Employees with Ease

Surviving & Thriving with a Self-Absorbed Colleague Without Losing Your Sanity!

Brenda Neckvatal

1 Hr. | 10 AM PT - 11 AM PT | USD 229

2 October 24 | Wed

Team Values

NO MORE B.S.- Creating a Team Culture Where Honesty Isn’t Optional

Building a Team Culture That Thrives on Integrity and Candor!

Larry Johnson

90 Mins. | 10 AM PT - 11:30 AM PT | USD 229

2 October 24 | Wed

Enhanced Salary Limits Announcement

SALARY SHOCKWAVE 2025: Get Ready for New Exempt Employee Minimums Before They Hit

Learn How to Prepare for the New Exempt Employee Pay Rules!

Bob McKenzie

90 Mins. | 10 AM PT - 11:30 AM PT | USD 229

3 October 24 | Thu

Difficult conversations

What’s So Tough About Tough Talks – Mastering Difficult Dialogues at Work

Transforming Workplace Conflict into Constructive Conversations!

Bob Churilla

90 Mins. | 10 AM PT - 11:30 AM PT | USD 229

19 September 24 | Thu

Unlocking Secrets_Team Engagement Strategies Revealed

ENGAGEMENT VAMPIRES: How to Rejuvenate Teams That Suck the Energy Out of Your Business

Proven Strategies to Energize and Engage Even the Toughest Teams!

Gary DePaul

1 Hr. | 10 AM PT - 11 AM PT | USD 229

25 September 24 | Wed

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