
No Excuses

Difficult Employees Sabotage and Obstruct Work Projects: How to Transform Excuse Makers into Accountable Leaders

Strategies for Dealing with Different Types of Difficult Employees at Work!

Bob Churilla

1 Hr | 10 AM PT - 11 AM PT | USD 259

9 May 24 | Thu

Employee Engagement in 2022

Engaging Employees in 2022: Key Drivers of Employee Engagement

Learn Proven Principles and Practices for a Wold-Class Employee Engagement.

Don Phin

1 Hr | 10 am PT | USD 249

17 June 22 | Fri

Toxic Workplace

3-Hour Virtual Seminar on Critical Role of Leaders and HRs to Detox A Negative Workplace

Strategies and Actionable Guidelines for Creating Cooperative and Collaborative Work Relationships!

Bruce Lee

3 Hrs. | 9 am PT | USD 389

22 July 22 | Fri

Inclusive Bias at workplace

How to Build Cultural Consciousness to Overcome Diversity Blindness

Join us to learn how to explore biases, how they damage relationships and practice techniques to raise your consciousness in diversity matters.

Betty Parker

1 Hr | 10 am PT | USD 209

1 October 24 | Tue

Employee performance documentation

Bulletproof Documentation: How to Handle and Document a Non-Performing Employee

Failure to properly manage and document a non-performing employee demonstrates poor management. Join us to learn how to document effectively.

Carolyn Riggins

1 Hr | 10 am PT | USD 249

10 June 22 | Fri

Art of Multi-tasking

Mastering the Art of Multitasking: Doing More With Less Stress

Unhealthy Multitasking: Are Your Employees Really Focused? Learn the Magic of Doing One Thing at a Time.

Bob Churilla

1 Hr | 10 am PT | USD 249

2 June 22 | Thu

Difficult Conversations

How to Have Difficult Conversations in the Workplace: Tactics and Frameworks

Discuss What Matters Most and Produce “a Better Outcome” for Everyone Involved!

Bob Greene

1 Hr. | 10 am PT | USD 249

24 August 22 | Wed

Human Capital

CORE MOTIVE – The Superpower to Unlock Your Human Capital!

Aligning Employees Actions with Your Strategy is Hard! Here’s How to Get It Done.

Glynis Devine

2 Hrs | 10 am PT | USD 229

19 September 24 | Thu

Big Data Myth in HR

The Digitally Literate HR – Busting the Big Data Myth in HRM

Data Metrics that HR Needs to Effectively Handle Challenges of the Modern HR Department.

Daniel Bloom

1 Hr | 10 am PT | USD 229

1 June 22 | Wed

Coaching and Retaining employees

Reimagine Employee Retention – Coaching for Improved Performance and Winning Behaviors

Tidal Wave of Resignations in the U.S. What Can Stop People on Your Team from Leaving?

Bruce Lee

2 Hrs. | 10 am PT | USD 249

29 July 22 | Fri

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