
Employee Retention & Engagement

Improving Employee Retention & Engagement Through Stay Interviews : A Business Case for Retaining Your Talent

Are You Still Relying on Exit Interviews to Retain Your Top Performers? – Sorry, You are Too Late!

Pete Tosh

1 Hr. | 10 am PT | USD 249

11 January 23 | Wed

Emotionally Intelligent Leader

Emotionally Intelligent Leadership: How Leaders Need to SHOW UP

Proven Frameworks, Metaphors, & Tools to Create Great Work Relationships & Inspire Others to Achieve Great Results!

Don Phin

1 Hr. | 8 am PT | USD 249

14 February 23 | Tue

HR 101 Bootcamp

4-Hour Virtual Bootcamp on HR 101: How to Become A Successful Human Resource Professional

Learn How to Navigate The Complicated World of Human Resource Management!

Deborah Jenkins

4 Hrs. | 9 am PT | USD 449

20 September 24 | Fri

Coaching at Work

Coaching at Work- Improving Employee Engagement and Performance

Tactics to Coach Reluctant or Disengaged Employees!

Don Phin

1 Hr. | 10 am PT | USD 249

30 November 22 | Wed

Being a Strategic Leader in 2022 and Beyond

Being a Strategic Leader in 2022 and Beyond: Planning & Decision Making in Today’s Environment

Why Should Leaders Make Strategic Thinking Part of Their Job?

Rebecca Reinstein

90 Mins. | 11 am PT | USD 249

21 November 22 | Mon

Rookie Supervisor Bootcamp

Success Blueprint for Rookie Managers: From Team Member to Influential Leader

Is Your Leadership Pipeline Leaking? Transform Your New Supervisors into Star Performers!

Deborah Jenkins

1 Hr. | 10 AM PT - 11 AM PT | USD 229

20 September 24 | Fri

Project Management

6-Hour Virtual Seminar on Project Management for Non-Project Managers

Tactics to Manage Any Project to Success and Get The Results Your Management Requires!

Rebecca Reinstein

6 Hrs. | 9 am PT | USD 595

24 September 24 | Tue

Leadership Challenge Ethics

How to Master The Leadership Challenges: Ethics, Character and Accountability?

Key Fundamentals of Becoming an Exemplary Leader!

Harold Levy

1 Hr. | 11 am PT | USD 209

21 October 24 | Mon

Communicating in Challenging Situations

Communicating in Challenging Situations – Address Roadblocks that Prevent You from Delivering Difficult Messages

Assertiveness Techniques to Talking When Stakes Are High!

Dr. Susan Strauss

1 Hr. | 10 am PT | USD 249

21 November 22 | Mon

How To Time Management

How To Get Control of Your Day, Life & Career – Time Management!

Achieve More by Revolutionizing Your Time – so You can Relax and Feel Fulfilled!

Bruce Lee

1 Hr. | 10 am PT | USD 249

31 March 23 | Fri

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