
Employee Handbooks

Employee Handbooks for Today’s Workplace: Avoid Legal Pitfalls & Embrace Cultural Harmony

Transforming Your Employee Handbook by Bridging Law and Culture!

Don Phin

1 Hr. | 10 am PT | USD 259

1 February 24 | Thu

Performance Management That works

Empowering Performance: Mastering the Art of Effective Performance Improvement Plans (PIP’s)

Unlock Potential, Drive Success: Transforming Teams Through Effective Improvement Strategies!

Deborah Jenkins

1 Hr. | 12 Noon PT | USD 229

18 September 24 | Wed

The Art of Resolving Conflict at Work

Harmonizing Workplace Differences: Strategies for Conflict Resolution

Transform Conflict into Collaboration!

Pete Tosh

90 Mins. | 12 Noon PT | USD 229

22 October 24 | Tue

Your New Hire Reporting

New Year, New Hires: Mastering Reporting Obligations for HR

2024’s Compliance Blueprint: Transform Your HR Now!

Harold Levy

1 Hr. | 10 am PT | USD 229

15 October 24 | Tue

Workplace Collaboration

Workplace Collaboration: Practical Ways to Turn Unconnected Co-Workers into a Team

Turn Workplace Tension into Productivity with Our New Program!

Janet Parnes

1 Hr. | 10 AM PT - 11 AM PT | USD 259

28 March 24 | Thu

Workplace Professionalism

Workplace Professionalism-Essentials for Smooth Operations

Navigate 2024 with Professionalism: Key Strategies for Operational Success!

Deborah Jenkins

90 Mins. | 10 am PT | USD 249

9 January 24 | Tue

Toxic Workplace

Kickstart a Harmonious Workplace: Essential Strategies to Overcome Toxic Behaviors in the Workplace

Harmonize Your Workplace: Empower, Resolve, Transform!

Bruce Lee

90 Mins. | 11 am PT | USD 249

9 January 24 | Tue

Difficult conversations

What’s So Tough About Tough Talks – Navigating Hard Dialogues at Work

Step by Step: Perfecting the Accountability Dialogue!

Bob Churilla

1 Hr. | 10 am PT | USD 249

22 November 23 | Wed

The Wage and Labor Laws

Don’t Get Caught Offside: Essential 2024 Wage Law Updates for HR Teams

Urgent Compliance Alert – Must-Know Wage and Labor Law Essentials for HR Leaders!

Deborah Jenkins

1 Hr. | 10 AM PT - 11 AM PT | USD 229

25 September 24 | Wed

HR Auditing

HR Auditing: Key Trends and Updates for 2024

Stay Ahead: Innovative Auditing for Tomorrow’s HR Challenges!

Ronald Adler

90 Mins. | 10 AM PT - 11:30 AM PT | USD 259

29 March 24 | Fri

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