
Effective Onboarding Program

Onboarding 2024: Blending Virtual & In-Person Onboarding to Welcome, Engage & Retain New Hires

A Poorly Designed Onboarding Process Can Result in A New Hire’s Emotional Exhaustion & Job Burnout!

Diane Dee

90 Mins. | 12 Noon PT | USD 229

19 September 24 | Thu

HR Risk Management

HR’s Tightrope in 2024: How to Bridge Risks with Resilient Strategies

Tactics to Navigate New Risks, Fortify Resilience!

Rebecca Reinstein

90 Mins. | 10:30 am PT | USD 229

30 September 24 | Mon

Toxic Workplace

Eliminating Workplace Toxicity: Essential Strategies to Overcome Toxic Behaviors in the Workplace

Advanced Strategies for Workplace Well-being!

Bruce Lee

90 Mins. | 10 am PT | USD 229

14 October 24 | Mon


Employee Conflicts: How to Deal with Clashing Coworkers Effectively?

Employee Conflict Costs Organizations Money, Morale and Productivity If Managers Fail To Handle Them!

Bob Churilla

1 Hr. | 10 am PT | USD 259

5 March 24 | Tue

Human Capital

Revolutionizing Human Capital: Navigating the New Workforce Paradigm

Empower, Adapt, Transform: Unlocking the Potential of Your Human Capital!

Daniel Bloom

90 Mins. | 10 am PT | USD 229

11 October 24 | Fri

How to Protect Confidential Information

What HR Must Know About Protecting Confidential information

Empower Your HR: Safeguarding Confidentiality Starts Here!

Don Phin

1 Hr. | 10 am PT | USD 229

15 October 24 | Tue

2 Days Supervisor workshop

2-day Virtual Workshop on Leadership Essentials – Step into Purposeful Leadership in 2024

From Promoted to Purposeful: Your Leadership Journey Awaits!

Bruce Lee

DAY 1: 3Hrs. DAY 2: 3Hrs | 11 am PT | USD 489

10 October 24 | Thu

Employee Handbooks

Employee Handbooks for Today’s Workplace: Avoid Legal Pitfalls & Embrace Cultural Harmony

Transforming Your Employee Handbook by Bridging Law and Culture!

Don Phin

1 Hr. | 10 am PT | USD 259

1 February 24 | Thu

Team Building

Team Triumphs: Turning Barriers Into Milestones

Empower, Engage, Elevate: Transform Team Dynamics!

Bob Churilla

90 Mins. | 10 am PT | USD 229

19 September 24 | Thu

HR Project Mastery 2024

Future-Proof HR Projects: Advanced Management Tips & Best Practices for 2024

Elevate Your Projects with Advanced Management Strategies for Today’s Dynamic Work Environment!

Rebecca Reinstein

90 Mins. | 10:30 am PT | USD 259

7 February 24 | Wed

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